
The process of developing modern electronic and IT solutions has many stages. At FastLogic, we support our partners in the implementation of projects at various levels of technological readiness.

Our strengths

  • 9

    years of experience
    in the industry

  • 18

    engineers in the team

  • 100+

    projects completed

  • 1M+

    devices manufactured

How do we work together?

  • Short-term co-operation

    FastLogic is an outsourced partner for your company, comprehensively implementing electronic and IT projects during short-term co-operation; for this, we use the ‘fixed-specs/fixed-price’ strategy.

  • Long-term co-operation

    FastLogic is an outsourced partner, providing support in electronic and IT projects, in long-term co-operation, as a partner in the Customer's R & D department. We then use properly constructed service agreements or Master Service Agreements, so-called.

  • Audit

    FastLogic audits the solution and provides guidance on how to improve it in the form of a report.

  • Consulting

    FastLogic audits the solution and provides guidance on its improvement in the form of a report, for example, in the development of an electrical diagram, the development of a design of printed circuits and the elaboration of the IP core (IPcore) etc.

Nasza odpowiedzialność


    Develop your team with the help of FL engineers, seconded specifically for your project


    Build your idea with us from scratch. We offer implementation of your project at every stage


    Manage the entire service - take advantage of the comprehensive electronic device implementation service

Odpowiedzialność Klienta

Odpowiedzialność FastLogic